domingo, 13 de novembro de 2011

Nintendo's reply

Como eu disse no post anterior, a Nintendo sempre responde (e como previ, ter mandado o e-mail só fez bem ao meu ego e nada mais). Eis a resposta deles:


Thank you for contacting us. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your all of your wonderful suggestions. To us at Nintendo, it's a sign of your confidence in our products and your desire to see Nintendo be successful.

Our Marketing department's sole mission is to encourage those who haven't yet had the opportunity to try (and buy) one of our products. We have great confidence in their abilities, so rest assured that our marketing campaign is in good hands!


Dervin Camden
Nintendo of America

Nintendo's home page:"

O conteúdo realmente importante, que tem a ver com Algo, eu mandarei por carta. Quando um dia escrever, posto aqui. 

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